Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ch6-Consumer Decision Making.

when a consumer has the need to purchase a product they mite go through a process called the consumer decision making process. This process involves five steps which are 1. Need Recognition ( occurs when a consumer are faced with an imbalance between actual and desired states that arouses and activates the consumer decision making process), 2. Information Search ( when a costumer search for information about the various alternatives available to satisfy it), 3. Evaluation of alternatives ( occurs when a consumer compares all the alternatives society has to offer) 4. Purchase ( occurs when a consumer buys a product) and step 5. Postpurchase behavior ( is when a consumer expectation are met). Marketing managers should know this process because this is how consumers make a decision on what products to purchase. McDonalds costumer often mostly use two steps out of the five step process. Most fast food companies costumers mostly use these two steps because some people don't do information search on the food they are going to eat unless you are trying to eat healthy. Even though people may use the step evaluation of alternatives, those people may not just want a microwave burger and some fries. 

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